Designed to help castor oil more deeply absorb into your skin, Heritage Store Wool Flannels strong absorption quality keeps the castor where you want it. Natural and unbleached, our Wool Flannel is exceptionally durable and richly textured for maximum absorption. Ideal for use as part of castor oil packs.
Directions How to castor oil pack? 1. Fold at least once to make a pack sized for desired application and saturate with castor oil. Oil may be preheated or used with a heating pad or hot water bottle. 2. Position pack over the affected area and cover with a piece of plastic and heating pad if desired. 3. Allow pack to remain for an hour or more. After pack is removed, cleanse skin with solution of baking soda and water (1 tsp to a pint) or use Castor Clean Towelettes. 4. Store in a plastic bag or other container in a cool, dry place. 5. Use pack daily or in a regular cycle (ex. 2-3 consecutive days a week) until results are obtained.
Other Ingredients: Wool Flannel: provides strong absorption quality keep the castor where you want it.
Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. As with all dietary supplements, consult your healthcare professional before use. See product label for more information.