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WishGarden Milk Rich Lactation 2 oz Dropper


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Milk Rich Lactation 2 oz Dropper

Product Description

WishGarden Herbs' Milk Rich is a nutrient rich formula that is great for breastfeeding moms and their nursing children. This lovingly prepared blend of nourishing herbs promotes healthy breast milk while supporting a healthy volume of milk. WishGarden Herbs has been a trusted source for health and wellness in pregnancy, motherhood, and childbirth for over 30 years.

Activer Ingredients

Raspberry leaf (Rubus idaeus), Goat's Rue aerials (Galega officinalis), Fenugreek seed (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Fennel seed (Foeniculum Vulgare), Nettle leaf (Urtica dioica), Blessed Thistle aerials (Cnicus benedictus)

Key Attributes

  • Supports volume and quality of breast milk
  • Herbs recommended by lactation specialists
  • Non-GMO and gluten-free

Suggested Usage: 2-3 droppers full or 4-6 pumps in water or other liquid for taste, 3-4 times a day, or if needed, increase frequency to every 1-3 hours for 1 days.

Other Ingredients: Rocky Mountain artesian spring water, vegetable glycerine & organic gluten-free alcohol.

Warnings: Keep out of reach of children. As with all dietary supplements, consult your healthcare professional before use. See product label for more information.